Wednesday, 19 June 2013

News Article 1

Hong Kong's first group of Bangladeshi maids share hopes for the future

The first group of domestic helpers to arrive share their hopes and dreams for the future

Jolie Ho
Tuesday, 14 May, 2013, 9:30am

Bangladeshi domestic helpers who have just arrived in Hong Kong were happy to share their aspirations yesterday before meeting their employers.

The 11 women are the first official batch of helpers from Bangladesh to work for local families.

Lucky Akter, 25, who was a kindergarten teacher in her hometown for five years, said she planned to stay in Hong Kong for seven years. "I want to use the savings to build a kindergarten [back at home]," she said.

Khadiza Akter, 24, who is married with a son, said she would like to stay for five years.

"My husband is a driver and I want to buy another car for him so that we can start our own business," she said.

"I also want to give my son a better education."

More than a dozen journalists were at the Bangladesh consulate to meet the maids. The women said they were exposed to the media before they came.

"The questions by Bangladeshi and Hong Kong reporters are similar, but Hong Kong reporters ask us more about the money," said Rokeya Akter, 23.
The helpers paid a Bangladesh agency about HK$13,000 - more than three times their monthly salary of about HK$4,000 - to apply for the job.

Local agency Technic Employment said it did not collect fees from the domestic helpers.

Middleman fees from the employers were about HK$4,000 each.

Of the 11, eight were Muslim and the remaining Buddhists.

Bangladesh consul in Hong Kong, Mirana Mahrukh, said while Muslims could not eat pork, it was acceptable for them to touch and cook it. She said religious beliefs would be unlikely to create problems for the Bangladeshi maids and their employers as domestic helpers from Indonesia, also a Muslim country, had worked well in Hong Kong.

Source: South China Morning Post

Monday, 10 June 2013

4. Frequently asked questions (HK employers)

Q 1. How long does it take to process an application?
Generally, the time required from starting the application to the arrival of the Helpers is 3 months.

Q 2. Can I ask my helper to work for another person or take up non-domestic duties?
No. It is an offence under the Immigration Ordinance to ask your helper to work for another person other than the employer named in her visa or to ask her to perform non- domestic duties. Employers found to have breached the Immigration Ordinance may face prosecution.

Q 3. Can I agree with my helper to pay lesser amount of wages than that stipulated in the employment contract?
No. All foreign domestic helpers in Hong Kong, regardless of nationality, should receive at least the minimum allowable wages as stipulated in the employment contract. It is an offence if you pay your helper monthly wages below the minimum.
Q 4. How long should a helper work before he/she can enjoy statutory holidays in a year?
If the Helper has worked continuously for the employer for 3 consecutive months preceding any of these holidays, she is entitled to enjoy statutory holidays.

Q 5. How many days of annual leave shall be given to a helper in a year?
A Helper is entitled to paid annual leave after serving every period of 12 months with the same employer. The helper’s entitlement to paid annual leave will increase progressively from 7 days to a maximum of 14 days according to the length of service as follows:

Year of service:    No. of Days of Paid Annual Leave
  1.                                             7
  2.                                             7
  3.                                             8
  4.                                             9
  5.                                            10
  6.                                            11
  7.                                            12
  8.                                            13
  9. and over                             14
Q 6. Can I appoint a medical practitioner for my helper in times of illness or injury?
Under the employment contract, a helper shall accept medical treatment by any registered medical practitioner as provided by the employer. It is advisable to reach prior agreement with your helper as to which medical practitioner should be consulted in times of illness or injury.

Q 7. Can an employer or a helper terminate the employment contract before it expires?
Yes, either party may terminate the contract by giving not less than one month's notice in writing or by paying one month's wages to the other party.
Q 8. How are severance payment and long service payment calculated?
The following formula applies to the calculation of both severance payment and long service payment:
 (exclusive of the emigration fee from helper’s home country and the air ticket to Hong Kong)

[(last month’s wage x 2/3) x traceable years of service*]

 *Service of incomplete year should be calculated on a pro rata basis. 

9. Where can we seek further advice or assistance regarding the employment contract or the Employment Ordinance?
You can seek advice or assistance regarding the employment contract or the Employment Ordinance:   
- call the Labour Department 24-hour Telephone Enquiry Service at  2717 1771  ;
- approach a branch office of the Labour Relations Division of the Labour Department nearest to the helpers workplace;
- make reference to the booklet "A Concise Guide to the Employment Ordinance" which sets out briefly the main provisions of the Ordinance and is available at the branch offices of the Labour Relations Division of the Labour Department.

Q 10. Under what circumstances does a dismissal contravene the law?
Dismissal in the following circumstances contravenes the law:
- dismissal of a pregnant helper;
- dismissal of a helper under paid sick leave;
- dismissal by reason of a helper giving evidence or information in any proceedings or inquiry in connection with the enforcement of labour legislation, industrial accident, or breach of work safety regulations;
- dismissal for trade union membership and activities; or
- dismissal of an injured helper before the parties concerned have entered into an agreement for employee’s compensation or before the issue of a certificate of assessment.

Q 11. Can an employer deduct the helper's wages to compensate for damages to goods caused by him/her? 
An employer can make deduction for damage or loss to the employer’s goods or property directly attributable to the helper's negligence or default. In any one case, the sum to be deducted shall be the cost of the damaged item, subject to a limit of HK$300. The total of such deductions shall not exceed one quarter of the wages payable to the helper in that wage period.

Q 12. Is the Helper required to apply for the new Smart I.D.?
Yes, you should arrange your Helper to change for the new Smart ID according to the announced schedule of the Hong Kong SAR Government.

3. HK Employers' Responsibilities

Employers are liable for the domestic helpers from the day their working visa is issued. Below are some of the main points on the responsibilities of the Hong Kong Employers:

1. Insurance 
  All employers shall take out insurance policies to cover their full liabilities as soon as the Helper arrived. Employers should provide free medical treatment, including medical consultation, maintenance in hospital and emergency dental treatment during the employment period. Although it is not compulsory, as stipulated by the Hong Kong SAR Government, for the Employer to arrange medical insurance policy, but we suggest that you should arrange such for the Helpers for better protection.  

2. Helper's Wages

  The minimum allowable wage of Overseas Domestic Helper is HK$3,920 in Hong Kong, as well as provides free accommodation and the employer cannot pay less than the stipulated amount in all circumstances. The employers should agree with the Helper on the date for wage payment, it might be counting from the first day of work. (For example, if the Helper started work on Feb 15, the wage shall be paid on 16th of the following months); or counting on the last day of each month. According to the ordinance, payment of wage cannot be more than 7 days after the agreed date.


3. Holidays
  All employers should grant your domestic helper at least 1 rest day in every period of 7 days and can’t compel the helper to work on a rest day. All helpers should have 12 statutory holidays in a year (Statutory holidays refer to 1st January, lunar New year’s day, the 2nd and the 3rd day of Lunar New Year, Ching Ming Festival, Labour Day (1st May), Tuen Ng Festival, HKSAR Establishment Day (1st July), the day following the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day (1st October), and Chinese Winter Solstice Festival or Christmas Day (at the option of the employer). If a statutory holiday falls on a rest day, a holiday should be granted on the day following the rest day. All helper should be granted paid annual leave for every 12 months of service.

 4. Place and Scope of Work
  The employers have completed a Job Offer upon application for domestic helpers, and the employer has the right to request the Helper to fulfill the respective job requirements. Employers should provide the Helper with suitable accommodation and reasonable privacy. (Fixed bed and a little storage space) The helper should only perform domestic duties for the employer and should work in the employer's residence as stated in the employment contract. 
 5. Termination of Contract
  When the two-year contract is upon expiry, employers should discuss the renewal matter with the Helper well in advance, and to make an account on the Helper's entitlement for holidays. For renewal, the employers shall pay for round trip tickets; for termination, the employer shall give one month's prior notice or payment in lieu to the helpers, according to the Labour Ordinance, as well as the return trip air ticket and transportation fee. The employer may terminate the contract, in accordance with the Labour Ordinance, by giving one month's notice or payment in lieu, also has to pay to the Helper a return ticket to her home country and transportation expense. 

6. Return Air Ticket
  Under all circumstances, the Employer shall provide free return air ticket to the Helper. (including: overseas/ local/direct hire/terminated/complete contract) For contract renewal case, the Employer should provide free round trip air ticket to the Helper. (depart & arrive) In addition, the Employer shall also give the Helper HK$100 per day as transportation and meal allowance, the nature of which is very similar to the day when the Helper traveled from home country to Hong Kong. If the Helper, unfortunately, passed away in Hong Kong, the Employer will be liable for all expenses of sending her corpse and all her personal belongings back to her home country.
7. Severance Payment and Long Service Payment 
  Employers should pay severance payment if your domestic helper has more than 24 months of continuous service with you prior to the termination and is dismissed or the contract expires without being renewed by reason of redundancy. Long service payment is about when the Helper has been working for the same employer for over 5 years, upon termination or completion of contract without further renewal, the Employer shall pay a Long Service Payment to the helper. Calculation method: (Monthly Salary x 2/3) x Years of service 


Thursday, 6 June 2013

**Application Procedures (domestic helpers)

There are 7 steps in general to make you ready to work in Hong Kong:

Step 1: Notice Employment Agency in Bangladesh that you are interested.

Step 2: Attend training course* (usually more than one month) held by Employment Agency

*Training course usually includes Cantonese speaking, general housework, take care baby and elderly and cooking Asian food etc.

Step 3: Complete tasks and pass the interview at the end of training

Step 4: Fill in the Applicant Information Sheet

Step 5: Take photo and record video to introduce yourself to HK employers

Step 6: Employment Agency upload your information on its webpage

Step 7: Wait for Employment (refer to Application Procedures for HK employers)

**Testimonial of the Helper showing that she has at least two years' working experience as domestic helper. The testimonial must contain the name and address of the writer to facilitate verification.

**Application Procedures (HK employers)

There are 3 steps to employ a Bangladeshi Domestic Helper:

Step One: (Application Screening)

1.      Visit Employment Agency and make enquiry
2.      Employment Agency provides consultation services (check if employers are eligible for hiring domestic helpers)
3.      Select suitable Bangladeshi domestic helpers
4.      Sign Contract ID407 and related document and pay for service charge
5.      Employers provide income and address proof

Step Two: (Examination and Approval by Authorities)

            1. Submit to Bangladesh Consulate for Certified Contract ID407
2. Submit to HK Immigration Department for application of the helper’s visa (ID card Copy, Income proof, Address proof, ID998A, ID998B, ID 407contract, copy of helper’s passport, testimonial of the Bangladeshi domestic helper)
3. Wait for 4-6 weeks
4. Go to HK Immigration Department to collect the helper’s visa

Step Three: (Arrangements for report duty / arrival to HK)

1.      Employers advise Employment Agency their expected dates of arrival for their helpers
2.      Pick up helpers at the airport

3.      Arrange helpers for applying HKID card

4.      Employers need to purchase labour insurance for helpers

5.      Helpers go to Bangladesh Consulate in HK and report

6.      Follow-up services provided by Employment Agency

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

- Schedule of Accommodation and Domestic Duties

Schedule of Accommodation and Domestic Duties
1. Both the Employer and the Helper should sign to acknowledge that they have read and agreed to the contents of this Schedule, and to confirm their consent for the Immigration Department and other relevant government authorities to collect and use the information contained in this Schedule in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.
2. Employer's residence and number of persons to be served
     A. Approximate size of flat/house square feet/square metres*
     B. State below the number of persons in the household to be served on a regular basis:
  • ____ adult ____ minors (aged between 5 to 18) ____ minors (aged below 5) ___ expecting babies.
  • ____ persons in the household requiring constant care or attention (excluding infants).
  • (Note: Number of Helpers currently employed by the Employer to serve the household ________)
3. Accommodation and facilities to be provided to the Helper
     A. Accommodation to the Helper
  • While the average flat size in Hong Kong is relatively small and the availability of separate servant room is not common, the Employer should provide the Helper suitable accommodation and with reasonable privacy. Examples of unsuitable accommodation are: The Helper having to sleep on made-do beds in the corridor with little privacy and sharing a room with an adult/teenager of the opposite sex.
             Yes. Estimated size of the servant room _______ square feet/square metres*
             No. Sleeping arrangement for the Helper:
                               Share a room with __________ child/children aged__________
                              Separate partitioned area of _______ square feet/square metres*
                              Others. Please describe _________________________________
  B. Facilities to be provided to the Helper:
(Note: Application for entry visa will normally not be approved if the essential facilities from item (a) to (f) are not provided free.)
  • (a) Light and water supply            Yes  No
  • (b) Toilet and bathing facilities     Yes  No
  • (c) Bed                                           Yes  No
  • (d) Blankets or quilt                      Yes  No
  • (e) Pillows                                     Yes  No
  • (f) Wardrobe                                  Yes  No
  • (g) Refrigerator                             Yes  No
  • (h) Desk                                         Yes  No
  • (i) Other facilities (Please specify)____________________________
4. The Helper should only perform domestic duties at the Employer's residence. Domestic duties to be performed by the Helper under this contract exclude driving of a motor vehicle of any description for whatever purposes, whether or not the vehicle belongs to the Employer.
5. Domestic duties include the duties listed below.
    Major portion of domestic duties: 
  1. Household chores
  2. Cooking
  3. Looking after aged persons in the household (constant care or attention is required/not required*)
  4. Baby-sitting
  5. Child-minding
  6. Others (please specify) ________________________________________________

6. The Employer shall inform the Helper and the Director of Immigration of any substantial changes in item 2, 3 and 5 by serving a copy of the Revised Schedule of Accommodation and Domestic Duties (ID 407G) signed by both the Employer and the Helper to the Director of Immigration for record.

Employer’s name and signature_________________________Date______________________

Helper’s name and signature___________________________Date______________________

* delete where inappropriate.
 tick as appropriate.

- Standard Employment Contract (ID407)

D.H. Contract No. ___________
Employment Contract
(For A Domestic Helper recruited from abroad)

This contract is made between ________________________________________________________ ("the Employer", holder of Hong Kong Identity Card/Passport No.* __________________________) and ___________________________________________ ("the Helper") on ____________________________ and has the following terms:

1. The Helper's place of origin for the purpose of this contract is ____________________________________________________________________

2. Use either Clause 2A, 2B or 2C whichever is appropriate.
  • (A) The Helper shall be employed by the Employer as a domestic helper for a period of two years commencing on the date on which the Helper arrives in Hong Kong.
  • (B) The Helper shall be employed by the Employer as a domestic helper for a period of two years commencing on _____________________________, which is the date following the expiry of D.H. Contract No. ___________________________ for employment with the same employer.
  • (C) The Helper shall be employed by the Employer as a domestic helper for a period of two years commencing on the date on which the Director of Immigration grants the Helper permission to remain in Hong Kong to begin employment under this contract.
3. The Helper shall work and reside in the Employer's residence at _____________________________________________________________________

4. (a) The Helper shall only perform domestic duties as per the attached Schedule of Accommodation and Domestic Duties for the Employer.
    (b) The Helper shall not take up, and shall not be required by the Employer to take up, any other employment with any other person.
    (c) The Employer and the Helper hereby acknowledge that Clause 4 (a) and (b) will form part of the conditions of stay to be imposed on the Helper by the Immigration Department upon the Helper's admission to work in Hong Kong under this contract. A breach of one or both of the said conditions of stay will render the Helper and/or any aider and abettor liable to criminal prosecution.

5. (a) The Employer shall pay the Helper wages of HK$ __________ per month. The amount of wages shall not be less than the minimum allowable wage announced by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and prevailing at the date of this contract. An employer who fails to pay the wages due under this employment contract shall be liable to criminal prosecution.
    (b) The Employer shall provide the Helper with suitable and furnished accommodation as per the attached Schedule of Accommodation and Domestic Duties and food free of charge. If no food is provided, a food allowance of HK$__________ a month shall be paid to the Helper.
    (c) The Employer shall provide a receipt for payment of wages and food allowance and the Helper shall acknowledge receipt of the amount under his/her* signature.

6. The Helper shall be entitled to all rest days, statutory holidays, and paid annual leave as specified in the Employment Ordinance, Chapter 57.

7. (a) The Employer shall provide the Helper with free passage from his/her* place of origin to Hong Kong and on termination or expiry of this contract, free return passage to his/her* place of origin.
    (b) A daily food and travelling allowance of HK$100 per day shall be paid to the Helper from the date of his/her* departure from his/her* place of origin until the date of his/her* arrival at Hong Kong if the travelling is by the most direct route. The same payment shall be made when the Helper returns to his/her* place of origin upon expiry or termination of this contract.

8. The Employer shall be responsible for the following fees and expenses (if any) for the departure of the Helper from his/her place of origin and entry into Hong Kong:
  • (i) medical examination fees;
  • (ii) authentication fees by the relevant Consulate;
  • (iii) visa fee;
  • (iv) insurance fee;
  • (v) administration fee or fee such as the Philippines Overseas Employment Administration fee, or other fees of similar nature imposed by the relevant government authorities; and
  • (vi) others: ________________________________________________
In the event that the Helper has paid the above costs or fees, the Employer shall fully reimburse the Helper forthwith the amount so paid by the Helper upon demand and production of the corresponding receipts or documentary evidence of payment.
9. (a) In the event that the Helper is ill or suffers personal injury during the period of employment specified in Clause 2, except for the period during which the Helper leaves Hong Kong of his/her* own volition and for his/her* own personal purposes, the Employer shall provide free medical treatment to the Helper. Free medical treatment includes medical consultation, maintenance in hospital and emergency dental treatment. The Helper shall accept medical treatment provided by any registered medical practitioner.
   (b) If the Helper suffers injury by accident or occupational disease arising out of and in the course of employment, the Employer shall make payment of compensation in accordance with the Employees' Compensation Ordinance, Chapter 282.
   (c) In the event of a medical practitioner certifying that the Helper is unfit for further service, the Employer may subject to the statutory provisions of the relevant Ordinances terminate the employment and shall immediately take steps to repatriate the Helper to his/her* place of origin in accordance with Clause 7.
10. Either party may terminate this contract by giving one month's notice in writing or one month's wages in lieu of notice.
11. Notwithstanding Clause 10, either party may in writing terminate this contract without notice or payment in lieu in the circumstances permitted by the Employment Ordinance, Chapter 57.
12. In the event of termination of this contract, both the Employer and the Helper shall give the Director of Immigration notice in writing within seven days of the date of termination. A copy of the other party's written acknowledgement of the termination shall also be forwarded to the Director of Immigration.

13. Should both parties agree to enter into new contract upon expiry of the existing contract, the Helper shall, before any such further period commences and at the expense of the Employer, return to his/her* place of origin for a paid/unpaid* vacation of not less than seven days, unless prior approval for extension of stay in Hong Kong is given by the Director of Immigration.

14. In the event of the death of the Helper, the Employer shall pay the cost of transporting the Helper's remains and personal property from Hong Kong to his/her* place of origin.
15. Save for the following variations, any variation or addition to the terms of this contract (including the annexed Schedule of Accommodation and Domestic Duties) during its duration shall be void unless made with the prior consent of the Commissioner for Labour in Hong Kong:
  • (a) a variation of the period of employment stated in Clause 2 through an extension of the said period of not more than one month by mutual agreement and with prior approval obtained from the Director of Immigration;
  • (b) a variation of the Employer's residential address stated in Clause 3 upon notification in writing being given to the Director of Immigration, provided that the Helper shall continue to work and reside in the Employer’s new residential address;
  • (c) a variation in the Schedule of Accommodation and Domestic Duties made in such manner as prescribed under item 6 of the Schedule of Accommodation and Domestic Duties; and
  • (d) a variation of item 4 of the Schedule of Accommodation and Domestic Duties in respect of driving of a motor vehicle, whether or not the vehicle belongs to the Employer, by the helper by mutual agreement in the form of an Addendum to the Schedule and with permission in writing given by the Director of Immigration for the Helper to perform the driving duties.
16. The above terms do not preclude the Helper from other entitlements under the Employment Ordinance, Chapter 57, the Emploees' Compensation Ordinance, Chapter 282 and any other relevant Ordinances.
17. The Parties hereby declare that the Helper has been medically examined as to his/her fitness for employment as a domestic helper and his/her medical certificate has been produced for inspection by the Employer.
Signed by the Employer____________________
(Signature of Employer)
in the presence of_____________________________(Name of Witness)
_________________________________________(Signature of Witness)
Signed by the Helper___________________
(Signature of Helper)
in the presence of_____________________________(Name of Witness)
_________________________________________(Signature of Witness)
* Delete where inappropriate.

- Applicant's Information Sheet

In order to let Hong Kong Employers know more about their domestic helpers, each helper is required to fill in an information Sheet made by HK's Employment Agencies.

Applicant's Information Sheet (Sample)
Part 1. Basic info.

Part 2. Interview result taken by HK's Employment Agencies
 Part 3. Domestic Helper Working Experience

 Part 4. Family Status and General Info.

Part 5. Declaration by Applicant
1. I agree and will be responsible for any publication of above information.
2. I hereby confirm that all information and answer given are true and correct and that any deliverate falsification of information may result in my being repatriated back to country of original at own expense.

2. Required Documents

Required documents & skills

For Bangladeshi domestic Helpers:
1. A completed Application Form (ID 988A), original

2. Employment contract (ID 407), original copies

3. Passed in a training course held by Hong Kong Employment Agency and filled in an Information Sheet

4. A Bangladesh Passport
  • A Helper must be in possession of a proper visa before she travels to the HKSAR. The issuance of a visa to individual Helper is subject to the normal immigration requirements being met (such as holding a valid travel document with adequate returnability to his/her country of residence or citizenship; be of clear criminal record and raises no security or criminal concerns to the HKSAR, has no likelihood of becoming a burden on the HKSAR; etc).  
5. No less than 2 years working experience as domestic helpers

** Good in speaking English is favored

** Greduated from high colleges and universities is highly perferable
For Hong Kong Employers:
1. Employer's Hong Kong Identity Card copy
2. Employer's financial proof copy
(The reason for delay in visa release is always because the employers fail to provide proper and  adequate financial proof)
    • An Assessment Demand Note issued by Inland Revenue Department for the current or last fiscal year (Page 1 & 2), showing an annual income HK$180,000 or above (please do NOT provide Tax Returns filed by you or your employer); or
    • The last 3 months Bank auto pay wage records; or
    • Letter of Employment from a company with the evidence of payroll for at least 6 months and the monthly salary should be HK$15,000 or above. If being employed for over one year, an Assessment Demand Note must be provided; or
    • An evidence within the past 6 months showing a saving or fixed deposit of HK$350,000 or above; or
    • A letter from bank showing asset balances amounted to $ $350,000 or above in the last 6 months.(Note: If the finance proof for application includes spouse's income, a copy of Marriage Certificate and spouse's identity card must be provided)
3. An original proof of residence issued in the last one month (e.g. Bills for electricity, water, government rates, fixed telephone lines, cable TV or gas)
    Notes :
    • Financial proof, mobile bills or letters from banks are NOT accepted
    • Please provide proper address proof if employers reside in villages or small houses
    • If the employer fails to provide valid proof of residence, he/she may submit the ones for his/her spouse or child with a proof of relationship, such as birth certificates or marriage certificates and copies of ID cards
    • Public housing tenants should provide housing living permit and a floor plan of the helper's room
    • Tenants should provide a tenancy agreement and his/her landlord's proof of residence
4. A completed Application Form (ID 988A and ID 988B), original

5. Employment contract (ID 407), original copies

Processing Time

 It normally takes about 4 to 6 weeks to process an application for the employment of a Helper upon receipt of all necessary documents.

1. Conditions of Application

Employers who wish to employ a Bangladeshi domestic helper have to satisfy the following criteria:
  • the employer is financially capable of employing a Helper. In general, for every Helper to be employed, the employer must have a household income of no less than HK$15,000 per month or asset of comparable amount to support the employment of a Helper for the whole contractual period;
  • the Helper and the employer shall enter into a standard Employment Contract (ID 407);
  • the Helper shall only perform domestic duties for the employer as specified in the standard Employment Contract (ID 407);
  • the Helper shall not take up any employment with any other person during his/her stay in Hong Kong;
  • the employer will pay the Helper a monthly salary that is no less than the minimum allowable wage i.e. HK$3,920 as announced by the HKSAR Government. If no food is provided to the Helper, the agreed amount of food allowance should not be less than HK$875 per month;
  • the Helper shall work and reside in the contractual address only ;
  • the employer shall provide the Helper with suitable accommodation and with reasonable privacy;
  • the bona fides (relation) of the employer and the Helper are not in doubt;
  • there is no known criminal record of the employer and the Helper; and
  • the employer is a legal Hong Kong resident.
Source: Hong Kong Immigration Department